my event
Burning Sky
Burning Sky is a collective of skydivers who bring aerial art to the unique venue of Burning Man. We also offer the public an unforgettable opportunity to view Black Rock City from the air in order to share our timeless love of the heavens with the Burning Man community. Any sufficiently-experienced skydiver is welcome to participate.
The idea behind Burning Sky, like Burning Man itself, is difficult to sum up in a sound bite. It’s like explaining what skydiving is like to someone who has never jumped. “Radical Self Expression” is what Larry Harvey, credited founder of Burning Man, uses to describe the event. The skydiving members of Burning Sky completely appreciate that. Our camp started with about 10 skydivers in 1999 and has grown to 100+ skydiving participants. We are a highly experienced group of skydivers. Our continuing mission is to extend the art and ethos of Burning Man off the playa into the vertical dimension, coloring the sky in coordinated jumps using banners, smoke, and magnesium flares.
2022 Registration
Burning Sky Registration opens June 21st
Register now through this link.
Burning Sky is a Burning Man theme camp where we (the skydivers) pool our membership dues to rent an aircraft and buy fuel. This is not a commercial drop zone, and we are not a business. This is not a boogie. This drop zone is run by all of us and requires the participation of all of us.
For email announcements and the occasional newsletter from your Burning Sky DZM, EyeBall, please sign up for the Burning Sky Skydivers email list: https://forms.gle/64idh4VNycFEQHLaA
General Requirements 150 skydives minimum experience (see FAQs below) 200 skydives experience to land in the city center (Esplanade) You must be able to prove you are current (log book) You will need your own gear, and your reserve must be in date (you will need to bring your packing data card) You will need your own ticket to Burning Man, and all of the usual Burning Man camping supplies, food, etc. Know and follow all Burning Sky Rules and Regulations
Burning Sky
Burning Sky is a collective of skydivers who bring aerial art to the unique venue of Burning Man. We also offer the public an unforgettable opportunity to view Black Rock City from the air in order to share our timeless love of the heavens with the Burning Man community. Any sufficiently-experienced skydiver is welcome to participate.
The idea behind Burning Sky, like Burning Man itself, is difficult to sum up in a sound bite. It’s like explaining what skydiving is like to someone who has never jumped. “Radical Self Expression” is what Larry Harvey, credited founder of Burning Man, uses to describe the event. The skydiving members of Burning Sky completely appreciate that. Our camp started with about 10 skydivers in 1999 and has grown to 100+ skydiving participants. We are a highly experienced group of skydivers. Our continuing mission is to extend the art and ethos of Burning Man off the playa into the vertical dimension, coloring the sky in coordinated jumps using banners, smoke, and magnesium flares.
2022 Registration
Burning Sky Registration opens June 21st
Register now through this link.
Burning Sky is a Burning Man theme camp where we (the skydivers) pool our membership dues to rent an aircraft and buy fuel. This is not a commercial drop zone, and we are not a business. This is not a boogie. This drop zone is run by all of us and requires the participation of all of us.
For email announcements and the occasional newsletter from your Burning Sky DZM, EyeBall, please sign up for the Burning Sky Skydivers email list: https://forms.gle/64idh4VNycFEQHLaA
General Requirements 150 skydives minimum experience (see FAQs below) 200 skydives experience to land in the city center (Esplanade) You must be able to prove you are current (log book) You will need your own gear, and your reserve must be in date (you will need to bring your packing data card) You will need your own ticket to Burning Man, and all of the usual Burning Man camping supplies, food, etc. Know and follow all Burning Sky Rules and Regulations
Burning Sky
Burning Sky is a collective of skydivers who bring aerial art to the unique venue of Burning Man. We also offer the public an unforgettable opportunity to view Black Rock City from the air in order to share our timeless love of the heavens with the Burning Man community. Any sufficiently-experienced skydiver is welcome to participate.
The idea behind Burning Sky, like Burning Man itself, is difficult to sum up in a sound bite. It’s like explaining what skydiving is like to someone who has never jumped. “Radical Self Expression” is what Larry Harvey, credited founder of Burning Man, uses to describe the event. The skydiving members of Burning Sky completely appreciate that. Our camp started with about 10 skydivers in 1999 and has grown to 100+ skydiving participants. We are a highly experienced group of skydivers. Our continuing mission is to extend the art and ethos of Burning Man off the playa into the vertical dimension, coloring the sky in coordinated jumps using banners, smoke, and magnesium flares.
2022 Registration
Burning Sky Registration opens June 21st
Register now through this link.
Burning Sky is a Burning Man theme camp where we (the skydivers) pool our membership dues to rent an aircraft and buy fuel. This is not a commercial drop zone, and we are not a business. This is not a boogie. This drop zone is run by all of us and requires the participation of all of us.
For email announcements and the occasional newsletter from your Burning Sky DZM, EyeBall, please sign up for the Burning Sky Skydivers email list: https://forms.gle/64idh4VNycFEQHLaA
General Requirements 150 skydives minimum experience (see FAQs below) 200 skydives experience to land in the city center (Esplanade) You must be able to prove you are current (log book) You will need your own gear, and your reserve must be in date (you will need to bring your packing data card) You will need your own ticket to Burning Man, and all of the usual Burning Man camping supplies, food, etc. Know and follow all Burning Sky Rules and Regulations
Burning Sky
Burning Sky is a collective of skydivers who bring aerial art to the unique venue of Burning Man. We also offer the public an unforgettable opportunity to view Black Rock City from the air in order to share our timeless love of the heavens with the Burning Man community. Any sufficiently-experienced skydiver is welcome to participate.
The idea behind Burning Sky, like Burning Man itself, is difficult to sum up in a sound bite. It’s like explaining what skydiving is like to someone who has never jumped. “Radical Self Expression” is what Larry Harvey, credited founder of Burning Man, uses to describe the event. The skydiving members of Burning Sky completely appreciate that. Our camp started with about 10 skydivers in 1999 and has grown to 100+ skydiving participants. We are a highly experienced group of skydivers. Our continuing mission is to extend the art and ethos of Burning Man off the playa into the vertical dimension, coloring the sky in coordinated jumps using banners, smoke, and magnesium flares.
2022 Registration
Burning Sky Registration opens June 21st
Register now through this link.
Burning Sky is a Burning Man theme camp where we (the skydivers) pool our membership dues to rent an aircraft and buy fuel. This is not a commercial drop zone, and we are not a business. This is not a boogie. This drop zone is run by all of us and requires the participation of all of us.
For email announcements and the occasional newsletter from your Burning Sky DZM, EyeBall, please sign up for the Burning Sky Skydivers email list: https://forms.gle/64idh4VNycFEQHLaA
General Requirements 150 skydives minimum experience (see FAQs below) 200 skydives experience to land in the city center (Esplanade) You must be able to prove you are current (log book) You will need your own gear, and your reserve must be in date (you will need to bring your packing data card) You will need your own ticket to Burning Man, and all of the usual Burning Man camping supplies, food, etc. Know and follow all Burning Sky Rules and Regulations
440,00 $